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Name: Stonewillow
Name Origin: Stone - Grey pelt/Willow - She seems to always have a sweet smell and she is a very kind and gentle cat
Rank: Warrior
Residence: ShadowClan

She is very kit-ish and troublesome. She's a big flirt in the clan and she loves to pick on her sister and her clan mates

She is like her sister in some ways. Her past revolved around her mother's death, along woth her adoptive mothers death. Though she didn;t let none of her teachings slip, and always remained bright and playful, other than her sister.

Description: Stonewillow is a long-haired Russian Blue. Her mother was a manx, but her father was a Russian blue, so she looks different from her sister. She had faded-green eyes and a sweet, welcoming smile.

Theme Song: "Who I Am" - Jessica Andrews
Famous Quote: "Sometimes it okay to be a kit, hidden in a Warrior's Fur."

(Dead, Inactive)
Mother/Father: Mudleaf/Tornadosong               Sisters/Brothers: Moonfang, Snowfall, Flamesong, Leopardkit
Enemies:N/A                    Friends:


Love/Crush: Aquaheart[LuciPie]

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