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Creds to Paxil

Name: Moonfang
Name Origin: Moon - Pelt //Fang - Her temper and great fighting skills
Rank: Warrior
Residence: ShadowClan

She is sweet, shy, tempermental depending on the situation, and she is very calm.

Moonfang has had a horrible past. When her mother died, and her adopted mother died shortly after, she always hid in the shadows, hiding and trying to not draw attention to herself. Only her love was able to draw her out of the shadows, but she still hides when she can.

Description: Moonfang is a full black molly with a white under-belly and flaming orange eyes. Her eyes always seem to glow in the darkness of nights or of the territory. Many fear her, because rumors of her fly.

Theme Song: "Who I Am" - Jessica Andrews
Famous Quote: "Shadows can't hide your eyes, and your eyes show your pain."

(Dead, Inactive)
Mother/Father: Mudleaf/Tornadosong               Sisters/Brothers: Stonewillow, Snowfall, Flamesong, Leopardkit
Enemies:N/A                    Friends: Sapphirestorm, Darkoak,

Kits: (none born yet) Dustkit, Gneisskit, Sapphirekit, Moonkit, Crystalkit

Love/Crush: Sapphirestorm

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