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Robinbelly is a happy-go-lucky, funny, witty, devoted, and loyal type of cat, who, no matter the risks, would always find someway to make someone smile. She has no bad intentions, and is like the clan-clown. Many would go to her when she's putting on an event to get the entire clan to laugh, whether it be over-dramatic stories or alot of jokes. She loves playing and having fun with others and has no problem getting into a little mischief now and then. She's known to get into lots of trouble for her fearless, cocky, jokester ways, but in the end no one can hide a smile. She loves doing 'acting', acting as other cats and putting on a show. She loves the attention she can grab from other people, and so she never changes from her playful ways. All in all, however, she isn't afraid of a fight, and actually would joke around, and fight really good, at the same time. However it could only get her in a heep of trouble, though she has no intention of it escalating. She hates making enemies, and loves making friends, and she's loved at gatherings and events for her playful attitude and the show she can put on. When the leaders are conversing she'll perch herself somewhere and start telling stories and joke around. Many love her for this, while others think it's completely childish. Either way, she loves what she does and has no problem doing it.

inactive // dead
|| Mother || --
|| Father || --
|| Sisters || --
|| Brothers || --
|| Nieces || --
|| Nephews || --

|| Mate || --
|| Sons || --
|| Adoptive Sons || --
​|| Daughters || --
|| Adoptive Daughters || --

-- Mother's Side --
|| Aunts || --
|| Uncles || --
|| Cousins || --
|| Grandmother || --
|| Grandfather || --

-- Father's Side --
|| Aunts || --
|| Uncles || --
|| Cousins || --
|| Grandmother || --
|| Grandfather || --

inactive // dead 
|| Love Interest(s) || 
|| Best Friend(s) || 
|| Friends ||
|| Acquaintances ||
|| Enemies || 
|| Nemesis || 


|| Mental Condition || Healthy
|| Physical Disability || None
|| Sickness || none
|| Facts ||​ Based off of Mercutio from "Romeo & Juliet"

|| Theme Song || open for suggestion
​|| Name Origin ||

Robin - for her Robin pattern|Belly - for her orange stomach/Flight - for her outgoing, playful nature

inactive // dead
​|| Mentor || --
|| Future Mentor || --
|| Former Mentor || --
|| Apprentice || --
|| Future Apprentice || --
|| Former Apprentice || --

|| Name || Robinkit
|| Previous Name(s) || --
|| Future Name(s) || Robinpaw, Robinbelly/Robinflight
|| Age || 3 moons
|| Gender || Female
|| Sexuality || undecided
|| Home || ThunderClan
|| Rank || Kit

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